Inspiring Women — Malen Pazos, an illuminating perspectives through her lens.

Get ready to meet the incredibly talented illustrator, Malen Pazos, straight from the heart of Basque Country! In this interview, we chat with Malen about her art, inspiration, and the colorful world she creates.
Come along for a cozy conversation that unveils the person behind the illustrations.
Hi Malen, it's a pleasure to talk to you and have you in our journal. First of all, we love you and your work, but let's introduce you to the rest of the sailors!
Kaixo! My name is Malen and I am an illustrator. I'm from a small coastal town in the Basque Country and for me, growing up and living near the sea is a privilege and a good fortune.
Being a freelance illustrator allows me to work from different places, although my favorite place is always my home, near the sea.

As an artist, how would you define yourself? Also, we would love to know how did you start your career as an illustrator and what were your main inspirations at that time, as we know sometimes it can be a bit tricky.
I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. When I was a child I could spend hours and hours drawing, but I never thought I could dedicate myself to it professionally. I graduated in Advertising and Public Relations, without really knowing what I wanted to do. A couple of years ago I was working as a clerk in a company when I saw an ad for a master's degree in illustration. I thought I had to try it, and so, while I was taking the master's degree I started to share my work on social networks, and I still do today. I left my administrative job (which I didn't like) to work as a freelance illustrator and today I'm combining this job with graphic design studies, which is another field that I'm also passionate about.
As for the sources of inspiration, I would say that when it comes to continue creating, I am inspired and motivated by seeing the work of other people (illustrators, designers, creators in general) when it comes to continue creating.

Your work is characterized by its unique and colorful style. How would you describe your creative process and how do you choose the subjects for your illustrations?
My style has been changing over the years... Although my illustrations have quite defined characteristics, my style evolves with me and it is something that is constantly changing. I see the illustrations I did a couple of months ago as very different from the ones I do now and I will probably think the same in a couple of months.
I'm not very methodical when it comes to working, I like to improvise. I usually take the tablet, open procreate and start drawing, without knowing very well what I'm doing. Drawing in digital has many advantages and one of them is how easy it is to modify, erase, try different options... Many times, when I'm not sure what to draw, I look through my old sketches, illustrations that I didn't finish, some old ones that I want to update.
I usually have seasons when I'm not very inspired, but I still draw and something always comes out.
I'm not very methodical when it comes to working, I like to improvise. I usually take the tablet, open procreate and start drawing, without knowing very well what I'm doing. Drawing in digital has many advantages and one of them is how easy it is to modify, erase, try different options... Many times, when I'm not sure what to draw, I look through my old sketches, illustrations that I didn't finish, some old ones that I want to update.
I usually have seasons when I'm not very inspired, but I still draw and something always comes out.

Through your art, what are the messages or emotions you hope to convey in the coming years?
In my personal work, I don't always think too much about the messages I want to convey. I like to create illustrations that are visually appealing, attention-grabbing, fun.... Some have a message and some don't. Even it's fun to see how everyone can interpret the same illustration in different ways same illustration.
As an artist, you are constantly evolving, you probably have super cool projects. Is there any future project that you are especially excited about, or even that you have already done that has marked you as a before and after?
The truth is that I'm excited about all projects, some more than others, but for me, being able to work as an illustrator is already a dream. Being hired to illustrate is something that I wouldn't have thought about a few years ago.
I really enjoy doing personal work and working on my personal brand because I don't usually have limits or a briefing to which I have to adjust, even so, what I'm most excited about at the moment would be to illustrate a book, I hope to have the opportunity to do it someday.
What would you say to the little Malen Pazos?
To keep drawing, doing what she likes. When Malen was little she wanted to be a hairdresser or an architect, but if she could see me now as an illustrator she would freak out and I'm sure it would make her very happy.
That's a wrap on our chat! Thanks a bunch for giving us a peek into your artistic universe. Until next time Malen, keep rockin' those illustrations!
Go check out her colorful world on her Instagram account and website.