Behind the scenes of our new pictures!

From this...
To this:
Isn't it amazing?! Believe me, it's magic.
My crew and I have been wanting to have a coherent and cohesive image for Don Fisher since forever, and, although we were very happy with the pictures we had, we wanted to move a step forward.
That's why we contacted a talented photographer (and magician!) to help us out and oh, he did!
We thought we could share a bit of a before & after, so you could see the work it takes to create beautiful and original images like these!
Japan collection - before
Japan collection - after
We worked on each photograph with lots of care and love and created a whole universe for each collection: a sunny beach for California, a traditional Japanese concept for Japan, an icey and cold atmosphere for Alaska, a great coral reef for Australia, and so on.
Speaking of Australia, we thought it would be great to create a whole coral reef with ballons! Luckily, we didn't have to blow up all the ballons one by one, a machine did it for us.
Australia collection - before
Australia collection - after
It's crazy how a great professional with great postproduction skills can really turn a good idea into an incredible picture, we are completely in love with the results!
So, what do you think sailor? Do you like our new pictures? Did you think the "behind the scenes" would look like this?
Do tell us your thoughts! We can't wait to read what you think ♥
January 17 2019
Maravillosas! Gran trabajo, enhorabuena.
Kika Sorell
January 17 2019
No me pueden gustar más! enhorabuena por estas fotos tan bonitas.