Inspiring women — Jennifer Bouron and her sweet, minimal universe

Jennifer Bouron's work is very characteristic: sweet color choices, minimal aesthetics, naif touches here and there... and we absolutely love it!
We are glad of having her with us to talk about her life, career, inspirations and much more.
Let's meet Jennifer!
Ahoy Jennifer! Welcome to our journal, thank you for joining us today! Could you introduce yourself to all our sailors?
Hi! I’m Jennifer, I’m a French illustrator and print designer. I currently live in Indonesia. I’ve been illustrator for 3 years. I work with different clients such as magazines, fashion brand, stationery companies. When I’m not drawing, I like to make collages, listen to podcasts, look at the clouds in the sky.
There are so many reasons we love your illustrations we don’t know where to begin! Your soft color palette, their peaceful mood, their naif and sweet touch… What are your references and favorite artists?
I get inspired by daily life and especially by colours and shapes. It can be some little pink wild flower on the corner of a white house, and next to it is a terra cotta plant pot. This image can be the beginning of a colour palette. For the themes I draw, I think it depends on my mood. At the moment, I like to draw animals, I don’t really know where I got this from, it’s just something I enjoy drawing.
We also think your sense of fashion is unique, you always paint such cool outfits! Do you have a special interest in fashion?
Yes I have. I actually studied fashion design, and I worked 3 years for a kids wear brand in Netherlands before I became freelance. I love fashion since I was a kid, I spent my time drawing little characters and imagining their wardrobes. If someone asked me «what do you want to do when you’re going to be adult? » I always answered « I want to draw clothes », that’s why I studied fashion. But when I started to work as fashion designer, I realised that I preferred to draw illustrations and patterns instead of technical drawings of clothes. So now, I’m actually doing the real job that I wanted to do when I was a child :)
So you are French but you are living in Indonesia, do you think living in such a different place from your own country boosts and influences your creativity? In which way?
That’s a good question! I’m not sure living in Indonesia influences my creativity. Living in South East Asia is indeed very different than any countries in Europe, but I don’t think the place where I live has any impact on my creativity. I guess inspiration comes from what I see, so the landscapes, the colours, the people can be inspiring, but I think creativity is different, it depends on how I feel. If I feel happy, comfortable, my creativity is going to be fine no matter where I live!
We are so glad you like Don Fisher and our universe. What’s your favorite thing about our brand?
I discovered Don Fisher when I started to become illustrator, so around 3 years ago. I remember, at this time, I drew some little fishes inspired by your products :)
I absolutely love Don Fisher because of your choice of colours, the patterns you draw, the little details on the lining, but also the hand printed, I think, it’s very cool and unique!
Thank you so much for joining us, Jennifer! It was a pleasure chatting with you and getting to know you a bit more.
You'll find Jennifer's inspiring universe on her website, her Instagram account and her Etsy shop.