Inspiring women — Silvia Rossana and her dreamy pastel imaginary

Every time we see one of Silvia Rossana's illustrations we immediately daydream: her joyful yet calm girls, the way she uses pastel hues... her whole universe is super inspiring.
She's with us today so we can meet her and know a bit more about the way she approaches creativity, motherhood and more.
Let's meet Silvia!
Ahoy Silvia! Welcome to our journal, we are very happy of having you here today! Would you mind telling us a bit of your story? Who are you, what do you do, where do you live…?
Ahoy there! I’m so happy to be here, thanks for inviting me. I’m Silvia (Rossana is my second name), and I’m a freelance illustrator and graphic designer and a new parent. I used to describe myself also as a plant killer and well… unfortunately nothing has really changed!
I live in the countryside, in a small town in northern Italy, with my husband, our dog Ginger and our new baby Olga. I grew up here and used to hate living in such a small town but nowadays (especially after the lockdown) I finally started to appreciate it. I’m so lucky to be able to take a walk in the countryside whenever I need a fresh breath of air, surrounded by nature and calm.

Have you always known you were a creative person? What were your hobbies when you were little?
Ever since I can remember I’ve always loved to draw. I was a pretty shy and introvert kid (and I’m still) and one of my favourite ways of spending time was to draw or paint in my room. I think I tried almost every crafting hobby: painting, collages, paper mache, embroidering and crocheting with my mum, origami, salt dough, making jewellery out of plastic bottles… name a craft and there’s a chance I’ve tried it!

What I like the most about being freelance it’s to work on projects that really matter to me and which I find interesting. Another great thing is the flexibility that comes with being freelance, which is an aspect I value even more now that I’ve become a parent. Before covid I used to commute and I had a 2 hour train ride every day and it was pretty tiring, I had no energy to do anything else in the evening or even the weekend. Since then we moved in our home which has an additional room that became my studio. Not having to commute means that I’m able to spend a couple hours in the morning with my daughter before work and those moments are priceless to me. I don’t miss having a workplace to go every morning, I actually really enjoy working from my little cozy studio with the company of my furry assistant Ginger.

We know you’ve become a mother recently, congratulations! Is motherhood a source of inspiration for you? Do you think it has boosted your creativity?
Thanks!!! It’s been a wild ride but a beautiful one! Becoming a parent has been the most challenging thing I have ever experienced, I was not prepared to do it (but who really is?) and at first it was pretty scaring. Even if I took classes and read books I still had no idea how to take care of a newborn. I think it really changed me for better, I definitely became more brave and also more relaxed (which may sounds strange?).

Thank you so much for being here with us, Silvia! It's been a pleasure getting to know you more!
You can follow Silvia on her Instagram account to see all her beautiful illustrations and her everyday life. Also, check her portfolio if you need a freelance illustrator & graphic designer with tons of sensitivity.