Our first international tradeshow experience

Months of preparing every single detail of the tradeshow vanished super quickly in just 3 days. To be honest: it was hard. Setting up our stand took us 6 hours. Six hours! Screws, hammers, all kinds of tools, big pieces of wood... But we made it! And all by ourselves, with no help. Ah, we are proud.
The result was great: our fish market was looking fresh and almost everyone passing by stopped to compliment our stand. We brought our last collection, California, and tested it there. We wanted to see if English shops would like to sell our sea creatures and we were happy to see some of them would!
The good parts about attending the show: all the experience you gain in another country, using another language and other cultural codes. Also seeing the smiles of people that never saw your brand before, chatting with them and, of course, making new clients.
The bad parts: how energy-consuming it is and the crazy amount of money it costs (the show, the furniture, the plane tickets, the accommodation...)
Do we recommend attending a tradeshow? Sure, if you have your own brand and you feel the moment is right, go ahead. Look for your best options, compare, get all the information you can, ask fellow colleagues and take the leap!
Hopefully we will attend another tradeshow next year. Paris, Tokyo, New York... who knows!